About the District
Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District History
The Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District is a special district and is one of over 70 agencies statewide specifically dedicated to protecting public health by controlling rats, flies, mosquitoes, Red Imported Fire Ants and other vector-related problems.

The District was formed in 1947, originally as the Orange County Mosquito Abatement District, in accordance with local authority provided by the Mosquito Abatement Act of 1915 and further supported by the California Health and Safety Codes. The District was responsible for protecting the growing population of Orange County from mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases. In 1975, the Orange County Board of Supervisors conducted an efficiency study that concluded that the District could effectively assume the responsibility for comprehensive vector control. Consequently, fly and rat control, formerly part of the Orange County Health Department, was transferred to the District. At that time the name of the District was changed to the Orange County Vector Control District.
In 2004, the District reestablished a Red Imported Fire Ant program after the State stopped funding the program they had established in 2000. In 2015 the name of the District was changed to the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District.
Operation of the District is overseen by a Board of Trustees comprised of 35 members, each appointed by their city of residence (34) with one member representing the County. Trustees are appointed for terms of two or four years.
The current budget approved by the Board of Trustees supports District activities in providing vector control services to County residents. Funding also supports education programs on vectors that are presented by staff at school and civic group meetings. The District also has printed material available to the public upon request that describes what citizens can do to keep their homes and property free of rats, flies, and mosquitoes, Red Imported Fire Ant, and pests that may be found around the yard and inside the home.